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"We're all trapped in a maze of relationships..." |
So, I decided to start a game journal because I thought it would be fun to document my sorta-blind experience on this game. (I already know pretty much all the twists but thats it.) I've written these beforehand and only now was able to publish. This will probably be understood better if you have played Persona 4 before. So read at your own risk.
So, I will be playing the PC port of Golden. I don't have a PS2 or Vita, so this is the only option for me. When I first started the game, the intro is VERY laggy and makes lots of distortion, Marble Hornets style. I messed around with the settings and had it so my generic lappy can run it well. I started a new game and got introduced to Igor & Margaret of the Velvet Room. I named my character "Yu Narukami," his canon name. I feel like these protagonists have too much personality to be the blank slates that ATLUS tries to paint them as. That is why I tend to give them their canonical names. So anyhow I watch the opening anime cutscenes and it's still really laggy and distorted. I went ahead and fiddled with the settings once more and it fixed the issue.
I then meet Dojima, Nanako and Marie, who has a weird head. I get introduced to the totally unimportant Gas Station Attendent and start with the actual gameplay. I can't get any controllers to connect to my lappy so i'm stuck with my keyboard. It feels really stiff and wrong to use. I got used to it though. I should also note that there's this really ugly motion blur going on and I don't know how to fix it. I've read that some programs like SpecialK can fix that, but I have no idea how to go about installing it. Or maybe i'm just retarded. Anyhow, I proceed to go to school and meet Mr. Morooka, who's damn right about me making love to the female population of Inaba, and my future crewmates; Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko. After discovering about the serial killer and the TV World, I meet Teddie. I used to shit on him a lot because he seems like he'd be very annoying, but I think i'll grow to like him. He certainly seems like he'll be less annoying than Morgana. Actually, I feel like Chie will be the most annoying teammate.
So I then awaken to my first Persona, Izanagi, and fight the first couple of shadows and boss, Shadow Yosuke, he was pretty fun for a starter boss. Now, I've played 5 & 3 beforehand, I even made sure to finish 3 before starting this one because I enjoyed it so damn much, (I still fucking cry about the ending every time.) So I just skimmed through the tutorials as they're pretty much the same as the previous game; make sure to hit weaknesses and criticals, buff and debuff and know when to hold your fire. So, Yosuke and I go get arrested and buy weapons for dungeon-crawling and head to our first Dungeon, Yukiko's castle. While there I... Holy shit... This track fucking slaps, yo. It's the "Deep Breath Deep Breath" of this game it's fricken dope. Um, anyways, Chie being the headstrong bitch that she is, charges in, leaving us to save her. I go fight some shadows and get some Personas, which i'm making sure to stock up on for fusion later. Now it's time to fight Shadow Chie.
- Shadow Chie
So Shadow Chie was actually pretty difficult for me, probably because the shadow encounters took up a good amount HP and SP to get through. Once I learned her gimmicks and stuff, things went a little smoother. It was still a close call though.
So after Chie joins the Party and the next day happens, I went ahead and did some dungeon-crawling to gain more levels and more personas for fusion. After I couldn't go much longer, I left and started the Strength Social Link and advanced the Magician Social Link. I later went to the Velvet Room for some good ol' fusion. The MC's personas tend to level up slower compared to other characters, so you'd want to start getting familiar with fusion. I made myself an Oboras with almost all the magic skills and Hama, as I learned that enemies in this dungeon are all weak to Light. I also got myself a Valkyire, who has good a St stat, which is important as i've heard that physical skills are significantly better than magic in this game. I also put Rakunda on her, which will be really important for the bigger fights. I found out that I could still fuse 1 more persona so I made Apsaras. I was left without money as I was spending time with Kou (strength)
I went back to the TV world and fought my way past the Mini-boss (He wasn't very difficult) and got myself to the top floor. I left and came back to heal and returned the next day. Now I had to fight Shadow Yukiko.
- Shadow Yukiko
Ok so this one gave me some problems. I turned out to be severely underleveled so it was worse than it should've been. She can take a lot of hits and she keeps targeting Chie with her fire attacks. My inital strategy of "Debuffing and beating her while she's down" seemed to work, but then she obliterated the MC with her Burn to Ashes attack. I was close to beating her too. I decided to rethink my strategy and instead opted to use some Diamond Shields to endure her attacks. I think she might've been sorry for me because she wasn't doing her fire attacks as much and when she did, it missed Chie. And remember that Apsaras I fused earlier? Well, I realized that she came with Patra which cures Fear, which Yukiko kept using on Yosuke, so I kept blue-balling her chance to one-shot him. A few more suspensful turns and Shadow Yukiko was down.
After that Yukiko awakened to her own Persona, after which I had dinner with Adachi, Dojima and Nanako, and I saved the game and turned it off.
Yu Narukami Lv. 12 4/23
I really hope this will be interesting for you all to read, and I hope I gain some writing experience from this. Put any critique in the comments and thank you for reading.